
After you have registered at Sku Grid and set-up Sku Grid for Amazon the way you see it fit,
you are ready to start adding items.

Items can be added in a batch via CSV, imported directly from your account at Amazon or one by one.
This tutorial will go in detail on how to add items one by one.

Adding Amazon Item for Repricing at Sku Grid

Go to "My Items" in Sku Grid
and click "Add Single Item"

Let's go field by field.

"Your Reference Id" (optional) - this can be anything - something that will help you identify your item - if it is empty, then item's internal unique id is used.

"Supplier's Item Link" (required) - this is very important - it's the url of an item that you drop ship, e.g. from overstock or walmart. The url must point directly to the product's page.

"Supplier's Variation Name" (optional) - if source item has several variations, then you can track a specific one. For example, this dress at Overstock has a big list of variations. You can enter here "Orange Crystal Fit and Flare Dress - L" and Sku Grid will track exactly that dress. If variation has several attributes, for example this dress at Walmart, then you can separate them by a pipe ("|"), e.g.: enter "XL|Blue Stripe" and exactly that dress will be tracked.

If you are not sure about the variation name, then enter anything here and later, when item is updated, you'll see all of the possible options right in the Sku Grid's table.

"Update on submit" - if checked, then sku grid will try to update data of this item right after you hit submit. Otherwise the data will be updated on a first scheduled check.

Next section deals with "comparison item". Please see this tutorial about "Compare Item" and "Profit".

Now for the actual repricing.
Choose corresponding Amazon marketplace.

Sku Grid will automatically check if keys are set correctly for that marketplace and if they are not, it will show an error message.

In "Reprice Sku" enter ASIN of the item that you would like to reprice.

If you are not ready for live repricing, then set "Pause Repricing" to "Yes", otherwise leave it at "No".

In "Selling Price Formula" you can overwrite default formula for Amazon with item's specific formula.
It is optional and can be skipped.
However, if you do want to override, then you must click "Override default selling formula".
Important, if you decided not to override this formula after all, make sure to click "Use default formula".

Here you can also use a wizard, by clicking "Use wizard".

You are done with the form, just click "Add Item".
If you have checked "Update on submit", then you might have to wait few seconds for Sku Grid to check newly added item.

Now we can locate our item in the table.

We can see that all data was updated and if on next repricing run (every 15 minutes), Sku Grid will notice that your current selling price is different from calculated one, it will go ahead and reprcie the item, but before that the repricing date will appear as "Nov 30 0:00".

Make sure to checkout other tutorials.