
Register at Sku Grid

Getting required ebay keys

Go to Ebay's Developer Page

Join Program (if you are not already registered there)
Don't use your main account as developer's login, create a separate one.

Confirm your e-mail

Now Sign In into your account at Ebay's Developer Program.

Click "Generate Production Keys"

Go to "Get user token"

Select Enivronment as "Production"
Select key set as "Key Set 1"

Make a note of "DevId", "AppId", and "CertId" keys
Click "Continue to generate token"
Login to your ebay's main account

Grant application access

Copy Token and make sure to click "Save Token"

Setting up Sku Grid

Go to corresponding Ebay settings in Sku Grid (depending on the country you sell in)

Enter corresponding keys: AppId in "Ebay Application Id", CertId in "Ebay Certification Id", DevId in "Ebay Developer Key", Token in "Ebay Auth Token"

Set all other options

Configure "buy it now" price formula, you can use wizard for that

Click "Save Settings"

You are done with setting up Ebay, now checkout other tutorials on how to start on repricing.